Wednesday, 9 March 2011

British pub culture

There is much comment offered concerning the drinking culture in this country. My take is that pubs and bars aren't willing to take responsibility for for the effects of alcohol sold on their premises although they all want to take the profits.

Half of them, the circuit pubs, couldn't care less. They pile 'em in, sell it cheap, reap the rewards. The other half don't pass the problem on by barring the younger drinkers, those in work jeans, football shirts or anyone that looks like a risk. They want amiable middle class drunks or families that will spend a small fortune on food and soft drinks.

Both factions aren't doing the duty which the granting of their licence should endow. Everyone over the age of 18 should be granted access to any pub if sober or not a known troublemaker. Sell them beer, but don't sell them anymore if they become unreasonable drinks. But give them a chance first. Don't cop out by pigeon-holing people by appearances or ignoring all problems. Drinkers have responsibilities but so do licensees.


  1. I don't see why licensees shouldn't be allowed to pick and choose which customers they cater for so long as they abide by the law on race and sex discrimination, and very often entry restrictions are a veiled way of excluding troublemakers. It doesn't take many unsavoury individuals to spoil a pub for everyone else. If licensees are losing custom by pointless restrictions then it is their own risk, of course.

  2. Fair points, but if you think about it there aren't many pubs were you actually feel welcome. It can be the warning signage, staff attitude and/or poor service, hostility from other customers, bad beer, dirty premises, unadvertised closing. No wonder drinkers are staying at home.
