Tuesday 4 January 2011

Death of the Local

My son is 22. He doesn't have a local as such although his group do frequent our nearest pub from time-to-time, co-incidentally.

His age group don't view pubs in the same way as previous generations. An occasional visit to watch football on Sky, but hey, it cheaper for them to get a carry out from Tescos and watch it at someone's flat. They all have Uni degrees, but there are no proper jobs for them so they don't have the disposable income we had so mid-week is out. Saturday is still the big night out but again it's cheap supermarket alcohol to get tanked up before jumping the last train to go clubbing.

We went to the pub for company, darts, juke boxes and to meet the opposite sex. The alternative was BBC and ITV on the telly or playing music on the record player. No contest.

This generation don't play darts or pool. They have social network sites to meet and talk to people. Their iPod contains every tune in the universe. The pub is uneccessary, dispensing expensive (in their view) alcohol and closing just when they are getting ready for action.

When the baby-boomers are no more and my son's friends are older will their view of pubs change. If not, the current round of pub closures may just be the start.

1 comment:

  1. We have quite a healthy young clientel who use us fairly often. Not exactly as frequent as every night at the Rose, but they are quite loyal. Maybe it's the village life that encourages them to stay in the village, rather than drink at home or tank up and go to town. Sometimes its Dads and Lads, most of the time its youngsters and members of the family or family friends. Makes a good atmosphere
